Thursday, January 24, 2013

Whitening Galore:Kitchen Magic!--Part 1

Whether you are on a budget, or have deeper pockets, home remedies are always a good alternative to over the counter solutions for whitening. Not only do you know exactly what goes inside, you also get to control the freshness and quality of ingredients. Do note that while all these remedies are natural, it is always a good idea to do a patch test on less visible areas, especially for sensitive skins.


Mix equal amounts of milk powder and honey. Add to the mixture a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to skin, and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. For sensitive skin, you may add less lemon juice or omit it altogether. This mixture can be used both on the body and face


Mix lemon juice from half a lemon, a spoonful of honey and enough sea salt (coarse or fine according to your preference) to form a gritty mixture. Apply to skin and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Then, scrub your skin as you would when using a body scrub. Take care not to rub too hard-- let the scrub do its job! Rinse thoroughly. Moisturize. This mixture is strictly for the body.


Dry some orange peels and grind them to a fine powder. Add a few drops of milk to make a paste. Apply to skin. Leave the mixture to dry, and then rinse off with warm water. This mixture can be used both for the body and face.


Soak some almonds overnight. Drain. Peel, grind and add to the almonds an equal amount of milk powder, and enough honey to form a paste. Leave to dry, then rinse off thoroughly. This mixture can be used for both the face and the body.

The above list is not exhaustive. But in line with my usual practices,I only post what I have tried and liked. You may like to tweak the recipes to your preference, that's the beauty of homemade beauty remedies.

Up next, foods to brighten your skin from inside out!

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